Tuesday, September 30, 2008

People...puh-leeaasseee keep this in perspective!

Well, I guess since I have a follower I better put something here. LOL

OK..so..I have gotten gas twice since starting this..yes, we do have gas here in Hotlanta...there is a wonderful Quik Trip station a few miles from me who has been ROCKING the past week...they had the police directing traffic last weekend...yes, it was THAT bad of a line and people just dont seem to know what to do. So, we must have police and barricades to show us how to go. Geeezzz. Anyways...they now have traffic going in two side by side lanes, in one entrance, out another...flows quite easily...I spent a grand total of 15 minutes yesterday getting gas. Two guys standing near the lines to tell us when a pump opened, inside they had the fastest guy on the register, workin' his butt off to help things go smoothly. Yes, I gave them all kudos and "Awesome jobs guys!"I also put one of my "Dont Panic" post-its on the pump.

Watched the news last night....just to see if anyone had any answers for why we still have a shortage here. They have a banner "GAS CRISIS DAY 18" on the screen...roomie and I laughed...I said OMG..a gas crisis!!Are you stressed?? He said in a very flat voice "I am stressed beyond belief" I said, yeah, you sound almost catatonic. LOL. So..after watching the story...we had no further answers....the Lt Governor is blaming the EPA and the Feds...the Governor is off at some conference so hes not available (Thanks Sonny!!).The gas distributor people are blaming the refineries...the refineries are blaming the hurricanes.Some state offices are telling employees to stay home to save gas "Because its the right thing to do" one said. One lady said she gets more work done at home than she does at her office. (Hmmm, perhaps you should telecommute more often, even when there isnt a gas shortage?)

What made me decide to reinstate my media blackout...was last night at 10 on the news...they read some listener emails...one said " I never thought Id see the day when Id be living in what looks like a Third World country"

Um...hello. This is NOT a Third World country. This is a city of 5 million people panicking because their way of life has been changed a bit...and omg..we cant fill up our gas guzzling SUV's and OMG..we might just have to drive slower than 80 MPH on 285...or maybe take MARTA couple days a week, or telecommute for awhile...till people quit panicking and breathhheee.

OK..thats my rant for today.

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